Think about that Ana !!!

I have a story about my life .. so many problems that I face
eg about family, friends, people who are in love and most importantly yourself ..
If I do not manage myself. Sure I feel even worse about my life … the hump,
very difficult .. But it’s also so my best efforts .. InsyaAllah

This entry was posted on Jun 11, 2014. 1 Komen

“Sometimes you have to shut up and accept that you have done wrong, not because you give up, but because you’re an adult”

Be as you wish, because you only have one life and the opportunity to do things you want you want.

My Dreams

This year I will face a big test of SPM. I feel worried. But I would venture and InsyaAllah I will strive to achieve the target 6A in SPM .. Good the best Ana ..


“Hidup bukanlah tentang menemukan dirimu sendiri. Hidup adalah tentang menciptakan dirimu sendiri.